Friday, June 24, 2011

Run Fat Girl Run!

A few weeks ago, with a vitamin B buzz and coffee jolt, I  decided to play Wii Just Dance with my 4-year old. In the middle of my first song/dance choice (Step by Step by NKOTB - Joey Rules!) I became a wee bit too winded. It was somewhat pathetic. I have a 5 month-old and 4 year-old to keep up with so this lack of endurance ain't gonna cut it. 

Besides being out of shape, I still need to lose a lot of pregnancy weight. I gain too much during pregnancy and I'm naturally "fluffy" to begin with. My normal weight is at the higher end of what is considered normal/average according to the nifty body fat index chart in the doctor's office. I used to comfortably hover between a single and double digit dress size.

I live in Florida. It's hot as hell this time of year. I tried the whole walking bit with the kids and it hasn't worked out so well. I tried running, again with the kids in tow, and it was stressful. One kid was screaming while the other running away from me or begging me to carry him (he's 45 pounds!). So finally, something dawned on me - I deserve 20 minutes a day to myself! I mean, I EARN it.  I take care of the needs of 3 people for at least 18 hours a day.

I came across this article titled "The Couch-to-5K Running Plan". If I can do this anyone can. I'm only in week two but my biggest payoff isn't losing weight - it's the 20 minutes I have just me and my ipod.  I suggest making some high energy playlists to help stay motivated. Here's one of my playlists titled "Run Fat Girl Run".

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A Promise to my Daughter

You’re probably expecting to read something sappy and sentimental, but not today folks!

One fine day when I was just about 40 weeks pregnant with my little girl, my facebook status read: “Dear Baby Girl, I promise to never put gigantic, tacky bows or flowers on your head if you come join Daddy and I in the next few days.” Well, guess what? She came the next day!
I held up my end of the bargain and she was free of the “bigger than the baby’s head flowered headbands” for a good 5 months. I mean seriously, I've seen some headpieces of babies that rival the hats worn to the recent royal wedding.

But then it happened! I came across this awesome blog that had tutorials for beautiful, non-tacky, felt flowers perfect to adorn my little lady’s head. The first tutorial I tried was the Camelia Flower.

In my version, I used cheap felt squares and the green center is a button I found a Joann’s. I’m thinking of making one on a clip for myself.  The colored elastic is from an Etsy shop and is very affordable.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

New take on a Taggie

My baby girl is just about to get some teeth. She loves to chew on anything and everything. So like any good, craftin' mamma - I made her a taggie. But no traditional taggie would do, so I made her this star-shaped version using a simple tutorial. I used scraps of fabric and ribbon that I already had. I prewashed all the materials including the ribbon in super hot water several times since I'll likely be throwing the finished product in the washer lots.

I promise to get better at taking pics :)

Sweet Baby Play Mat

I came across this tutorial for a children's play mat. We recently had wood floors installed and baby blankets just aren't cushy enough for my little lady to roll around on. I used the tutorial except I made some changes. The biggest change was that I used the thickest batting I could find (be sure to use your walking foot if you choose this option) and I used soft flannel fabric on the top and bottom instead of the designer cotton/chenille. I bought mine at Joann's with 40% coupons so I spent very little - maybe $20 at most to complete the project.

Oh, I also put my little girl's name on the blanket. I'm addicted to applique.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Christmas in June

I'm getting started on some handmade Christmas gifts. With two kids, if I want to gift handmade stuff I have to get going. Time is scarce and the holidays always seem to creep up quickly. Can you believe its almost June already?

Stay tuned to see what funky gift I make for my super cool Aunt with this fabric:

Alexander Henry "All I Want For Christmas"

Saturday, May 21, 2011

My Baby Girl's Bohemian Quilt

I've always loved quilts. Especially the old-fashioned ones that are quilted by hand with yarn instead of machine quilted. I think quilting is a fabric art form.

I'm just getting started on my first quilt. I'm very excited to make a simple quilt for my little girl. Although she is a baby,  I didn't want the quilt fabrics to be too juvenile. I plan on taking my time making the quilt because I want it to be something heirloom than can grow with her. I don't plan on making any intricate blocks, I do plan on appliqueing her name on one of the blocks. I've been watching tons of instructional videos on youtube on quilting and binding but feel free to leave me a comment with any quilting tips or advice. I'm cutting my blocks 4 1/2 inches.

Here are the fabrics that I picked:

Tula Pink Parisville Eye Drops Dusk by Free Spirit
City Blooms Damask Chocolate by Benartex
Twilight Pond by Art Gallery/Pat Bravo
City Blooms Damask Lime/Pink by Benartex
Damask in Plum by Free Spirit/Joel Dewberry
Light Chic Paper by Art Gallery/Pat Bravo
Full Moon Dot in Lime by Amy Butler
Sari Blooms in Moss by Amy Butler

Friday, May 20, 2011

Tie Shirts for Toddlers and BEYOND

There are so many blogs with tutorials for cute little girl clothes, but not a whole lot for boys. When I came across the idea of an applique tie when my ginger boy was little (he's a giant, non-stop talking 4 year-old now), I had to make one.  He looked so darn cute and my little man loved it! I also made him one last Christmas and used Christmas fabric.

I don't think you have to stop at toddler shirts, I also made one for my Uncle (obviously in a WAAAAYYYY bigger size) to wear while he plays poker with his friends :)

"Get off my Property!"